It's Christmas once again! Christmas and gifts go together. The long tradition of giving and receiving gifts has become one of the most enjoyable aspects of Christmas. I felt timid when my friends and acquaintances had given me Christmas gifts and I have nothing for them. They said it was fine but I could not resist thinking how I wish I had started looking for gifts as early as October so I might have something for them.
Santa came to town with a bountiful Christmas gifts for me. So I grabbed the camera and took some photos so I could post it here in my blog as my simple appreciation to all my friends and acquaintances who never failed to give me gifts this Yuletide season.

To all my friends and acquaintances, thank you so much for being Santa Claus. The True Miracle of CHRISTmas happens inside the Heart as we learn to share Christ's love and peace to others. I wish you all a Meaningful Christmas!!!
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