Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Joy of Love

     Sometimes the one we loved the most turns out to be the one who hurts us the most. But still, we should always remember that failing in love is not reason enough for us to fear love. The joy comes in loving when nothing is expected in return. Love is not all about happiness for we can never know what being happy is like without experiencing some pain.

     Moreover, love is not seeking for your own happiness. Its main concern is giving, not taking. It is not about making sure that the other person's life will revolve around yours, but it's a celebration of the others' existence and being - even if you're totally different from each other. Love always makes sure there is ultimate honesty and sincerity in the heart as well as much respect and honor. Love goes nowhere without faith, hope and trust. Love is not about beautiful words. It is about making a firm decision and action to make the relationship grow stronger each day. It's the willingness to exert effort to keep the love alive. It does not give up.

     But remember that although love means never giving up, it can also mean letting go. Sometimes, we'll meet people who can't be strong and whose weakness will poison us. When loving becomes a one-way process we have to let go. Letting go is like a pill that we swallow so as to heal ourselves and move on to the next phase of our life.


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