I feel so stupid and sad at this point of time. I want to scream, I want to shout, I want to cry. I am stupid enough to believe in you, trust you and love you the way it goes. It makes me crazy thinking why it happened to me. I try to ignore the pain that tries to engulf me but in every turn of my head it reminds me of the heartbreak and betrayal you brought me. How can I move on when I'm still holding on the belief that we are meant to be? Sometimes I feel I want to cry, to pour my emotions but I find myself staring at blankness. Do I need to be tipsy to be able to release all my negative emotions? I don't want this.
Pain, emptiness, betrayal, heartbreak, anger, revenge.... These are the mixed feelings that overwhelmed me right now. It's because of my stupidity, of not being cautious, of trusting someone I've never yet meet in person. Is this normal to feel this way? But do I have to blame myself for this? I am only human, capable of making mistakes.
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